Wednesday 29 May 2013

Walking With AC/DC

Today started as a glorious day. Not a cloud in the sky. Perfect for pavement pounding. However, three hours later, just as I got home, the heavens opened up and it rained and rained... for about half an hour. That was it. No more rain today.

Anyway, it was back to the normal routine today: walk to the park, 4 laps around, then up the hill, and home again.

I'm still at 80 kilos though.

But today, for my musical accompaniment, I treated myself to AC/DC Live, The Collector's Edition.

This is a live album that came out sometime around 1992, and for a long time was the closest thing we got to a greatest hits album. It wasn't until 2010 and the release of the Iron Man 2 soundtrack that we got another CD that resembled a greatest hits collection. And more recently, the River Plate concert was released on DVD and I believe CD as well.

Initially the Live album was released in a single disc version (which I bought), followed a little bit later by the 2 CD collector's version. There was no doubt that I was going to get that one as well, but I waited a while for that, simply because I actually didn't know at the time that there was a 2 CD version.

So, I converted the Live album into MP3 and copied it to my iRiver MP3 player. I made a couple of changes though. I wanted the show to start with Hells Bells, perhaps the greatest opening song of all time. However, that song opened disc 2 of this collection, so I moved it to the first position, and moved Thunderstruck, which opens disc 1, all the way to the end, because I believe that Thunderstruck is the perfect way to end any show.

I feel like I have grown up with AC/DC. Back in the early 70's, there was a show on Australian TV called Countdown, one of the most influential Australian TV shows of all time, and I remember seeing the early incarnation of AC/DC doing a version of Baby Please Don't Go, with the Legendary Bon Scott dressed as a schoolgirl, with pigtails. When I was at primary school, we used to dress up and mime to records during lunchtime. One of the shows we were planning to do was an AC/DC show. This was around the time of the second album, T.N.T.  Unfortunately, we never actually got to do it (We did a Sweet concert though, who were big at the time, which packed out the room).

I haven't decided what music I'll listen to next. I'm torn between ABBA and The Sex Pistols...

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