Thursday 30 May 2013

Clouds and Flowers

While I was taking the dog for a walk through the park today, I found a couple of unusual flowers that I thought would make some interesting images, or at least give me a little bit more practice taking close up pictures with my camera. I'm not entirely happy with these, but at this point in my development as a close up photographer, I don't actually know yet of the techniques that would allow me to make them better. I'm hoping I'll learn those particular skills eventually:

Towards the end of the walk, when it started to get really cold (it's almost winter here in Australia), there were some potentially interesting cloud formations happening. We had a bit of rain earlier on in the day, and there were some remnants of those rain clouds floating around. Although not as spectacular as some previous cloud pictures I've taken, I still think they are nice pictures, especially the ones that feature a prominent sun:

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