Friday 17 May 2013

Friday Night Football: Eagles v Kangaroos

Wow, what a night!

I doubt a Hollywood script writer could have made it better.

The Eagles, down by 15 points, stage a desperate fightback in the dying stages of the game. The ball comes into the forward line, big Nic takes a flying leap through a mass of writhing bodies, and comes down with the ball in his giant hands. The siren sounds. The Eagles are down by four points. Nic kicks the ball towards the big sticks. Nic scores a GOAL! Eagles win! The crowd goes wild!...

I took my camera to the game tonight. More as an experiment than anything else. I thought if I got one or two pictures I would be happy. I managed to get 28! Some are a bit rough. I've never taken pictures in those lighting conditions before, and I was just winging it. Actually, I took nearly 200 pictures, but only 28 were remotely usable.

So here they are. This is my view of the game from where my two seats are located. I just wonder how long I can keep these pictures here until the football league finds out and comes after me!...

Big Nic:

The Eagles team warming up before the game. The placement of the stadium lighting was a particular problem for me when taking some of these pictures:

27 is Jack Darling:

31 is Will Schofield:

Josh Kennedy:

23 is Darren Glass, the Eagle's captain, playing his 250th game tonight. 16 is Eric McKenzie:

33 is Josh Hill:

Darren Glass:

Jack Darling:

Will Schofield:

Jack Darling:

Jacob Brennan and Will Schofield:

Shannon Hurn:

Big Dean Cox:

The opposition team, the North Melbourne Kangaroos warming up:

The game begins:

The big moment arrives - Big Nic Naitanui takes on Majac Daw at last:

The game is over. The Eagles celebrate a close victory:

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