Monday 13 May 2013

Eagles Celebration Night, 2011

Here are a few pictures I just found that come from 2011. I'm a member of the mighty West Coast Eagles football club, and this particular cold August night back in 2011 was a celebration of the Eagles 25 year anniversary. We played Richmond that night, as they were the very first team the Eagles played back in 1987.

After the game, they let everybody on the oval, and gave them food and stuff. Here are a few pictures of what the stadium looks like from the player's point of view. Please remember that I took these with my mobile phone, so the quality isn't as good as usual.

This is the Subiaco end of the ground. My two seats are on the boundary, just to the left of the goals:

The city end:

The scoreboard. We won big time!...

The Eagles team mascot:

Our coach Woosha, addressing the adoring throngs:

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