Friday 24 May 2013

Walking With U2...

I've been doing a tonne of walking in the last week. I'm doing at least three hours, up some pretty steep hills...

...and loving it.

I'm getting closer to the magical 80 kilo weight mark, and the belt is definitely getting tighter. I think another 5 kilos should get me to about the correct weight. Then I might go out and buy myself a suit. I always fancied myself in a nice suit....

Another great bonus for me is that I also get to listen to some tunes that I never get a chance to listen to. I have a couple of thousand CD's, and there are some that I've never actually listened to before. I have some Coldplay CD's that I haven't listened to yet. They are still on the bench, waiting for a gap in the rotation, behind Bowie and Devo...

This week, I've been working my way through my U2 collection (I copied 105 U2 songs onto my iRiver MP3 player). I have the "No Line On The Horizon" CD which I hadn't listened to, mainly because I saw some reviews which absolutely trashed it, so I was put off a little. But it turns out that critics don't know much about anything, and the CD has some pretty good songs on it. I'm not sure what the critics were expecting, though. Perhaps a CD full of "I Will Follow" clones? I'm very happy for my favourite bands to try something different. It may not work every time, but it will still be interesting to me. For example, one of my favourite U2 songs is a cover of Patti Smith's "Dancing Barefoot".

But I've discovered a whole bunch of U2 songs that I didn't know existed (or more accurately, I knew existed but I never paid any attention to before), songs like "Spanish Eyes", "Twilight", "40", " A Man and a Woman" ,  "Hallelujah Here She Comes", "Trash Trampoline and the Party Girl". And a whole bunch of others.

"Love and Peace or Else"
Now, where has this song been all my life?...

There's actually a really good live version on YouTube: Love and Peace or Else on YouTube

One song I don't have, but I would like to get at some point is the official recording of "Gloria". I have a bootleg live version on a CD I bought many years ago, which is still pretty good, but the the CD version would be nice.

Incidentally, my one live U2 bootleg was actually legal at the time I bought it. There was some legal loophole that this particular record company exploited. I also bought a bunch of Springsteen bootlegs, a bunch of Paul McCartney bootlegs. I got a Bon Jovi bootleg as well, and there are a few others I can't think of at the moment. I bought them at a hardware shop, not a CD shop, which is probably an indicator of how dodgy they were.

Anyway, I did stop walking for a moment to take some happy snaps of a flower. I think it's a Dandelion:

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