Saturday 22 June 2013

Peaceful, Easy Feeling...

Aaaaaahhhh!  Sunday morning, my favourite day of the week for sleeping in, listening to great audio books like "Happiness" by Matthieu Ricard (I'm not a buddhist, but a lot of it makes sense to me), or "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie (great book, although I like to skip around the overly religious bits), or maybe "A Calm Brain" by Gayatri Deva, or even my current favourite, "Don't Bite the Hook" by Pema Chodron (another buddhist book, but I find it really helpful).

Anyway, here's an old picture that illustrates my state of mind right now:

This is a dove sitting in a tree just outside my office window. I think the human race could learn a lot from this dove. Sometimes it's good to just sit down for a while...

Tonight, I'm going to see Brad Pitt in 3D kill a few zombies. But till then, I'm just gonna be my usual laid back self, and do a few relaxing things like read a few books, watch some DVD's, do dome work (I love my work, I get to be paid for being creative!...), work on my blogs, take a few pictures, spend some time lying on a bench in the park listening to Talking Heads or Patti Smith on my MP3 player....

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