Sunday 9 June 2013

Another Dogsitting Job

I just spent a very pleasant weekend looking after a couple of dogs for friends Jo and Jack. I love these types of jobs. I get to move in to somebody else's house and for me it's like going on holidays, even though my own place is about 5 minutes away.

And I'm very grateful for the opportunity to spend time with dogs, as I'm not allowed to own a dog in the place I live now. Dogs are endlessly entertaining, stress-relieving, and it gives me a nice feeling that there are people out there who trust me enough for me to move in and take care of some of their most valued and loved family members.

Anyway, I took a few pictures while I was there. Here they are:

This is Domino. These were taken at home on the first day:

...And this is Scruffy:

I tried to get a bit "Arty" with some of the Scruffy pictures. I can never resist an interesting shadow pattern:

Jo had this amazing floor lamp. As soon as I saw it I knew it had to get it into a picture somehow, Here I incorporated it into a couple of pictures of Scruffy:

Still, I couldn't get that lamp out of my mind, so I tried a few of the lamp on it's own one night:

Jo and Jack had this fantastic piece of art hanging on their lounge room wall. I really like this painting, even though I know nothing about it or who it's by:

Speaking of paintings, I took a picture of Scruffy, but it didn't quite come out as good as I was hoping. I tried to rescue the photo by running it through some software to see if I could improve it. I found a neat little Oil Painting function in my software, and this is the result:

A blog post by me wouldn't be a blog post by me if it didn't have the obligatory close up of at least one flower (or a cloud, my other big thing...). I found this one out in the back yard:

Now, sadly, we are on the third and final day, and I took the dogs to one of my favourite places, Breckler Park for a quick amble through the bush:

And that's the end. Another very pleasant and relaxing holiday with the dogs. It's a pity it wasn't a bit longer.

Maybe next time...

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