Saturday 15 June 2013

Movie: After Earth

What?!?...No 3D?.. Come on Will, lift your game!...

Only joking. This is still an ok movie (not great, but ok), but it seems a little odd to me that it isn't being shown in 3D (unless I've missed it and they are showing it in 3D somewhere...)  I say that because it's obvious to me that some scenes were shot for 3D screening i.e. creatures flying straight into the camera, volcanic ash floating through the air, just like in 3D Star Trek.

There's actually not too much to this film, and it felt really short to me. It looks fantastic, which makes it even more of a shame that it's not 3D. It's clear that this movie is all about the scenery and the action, which the film does very well. The plot is very basic. Will Smith and his son crash on a planet, which turns out to be the abandoned Earth (the film is set a thousand years in the future), and they have to walk across the countryside to retrieve a beacon so that their people will come and rescue them. That's it. That's the whole story. Actually, there's a little bit more to it than that, but I don't want to give too much away.

Will Smith plays a very unlike-Will Smith character. He's tough and talks in a very slow, monotone voice. Not Agent J at all. His son Jaden Smith does a good job. He gets to do most of the fun stuff, and he does it incredibly well, considering he's only about 14 years old. He runs funny though. And that's about the whole cast. A few other actors get a few minutes here and there, but it's the Smith & Smith show.

Did I mention that the film is visually stunning? These computer guys are getting really good at rendering wild animals that move just like you would expect wild animals to move. For a long time, animals always seemed to me to move a bit too smoothly. You just have to think back to when it all started, Jurassic Park (one of my favourite movies incidentally), and the too smooth movement of the raptors. I think if they remade Jurassic Park with today's technology it would even more real and frightening.

I just read what they are saying about this movie on and none of it is very complimentary. I didn't think it was that bad, and it was short so it didn't take up too much of my time. I sort of agree with the comments about the performance of Will Smith. He doesn't actually do very much. I did like the look of the film though.

The IMDB also lists After Earth 2 for release in 2015. Considering the box office performance of the film so far, I don't think that second film will get off the ground.

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