Sunday 23 June 2013

Movie: 3D World War Z

Wow, Brad Pitt in a zombie movie. Never thought I'd see that!  Oh wait, he played a vampire once didn't he. Maybe it's not so usual then...

Brad Pitt must have really liked the book, because he stars in it (he's the only big name in the whole thing), and he is also one of the producers. I couldn't imagine any other reason why a big name like Brad Pitt would consent to be in someone else's zombie movie.

Apart from the Resident Evil series of movies, I'm not really a zombie fan, but I do like Brad Pitt as an actor. That's probably the only reason I wanted to see this movie in the first place. Well, maybe the fact that it's in 3D was a contributing factor. I'm a sucker for 3D. I'll go and see any old thing as long as it's in 3D. Having said that, the 3D in this movie doesn't really add all that much to the film, nor take anything away from it. There was one moment I remember when a zombie came towards the camera and the guy in the seat next to mine jumped up a bit, but apart from that, the 3D was fairly unobtrusive.

There's a pretty basic plot in this movie.It's all about the zombies, and in this movie, with it's megabudget, there are literally billions of zombies (what would film makers do without computer programmers I ask you?...). Brad Pit plays some sort of ex-special forces guy (I think), who goes off on a round the world trip trying to find a cure for the zombies. Of course, everywhere he goes, there are zombies. He does a lot of running in this movie.

I'm not sure about the ending, though. The film just sort of stops, and Brad Pitt does a voice-over explaining what happened. Maybe all that should have been saved for a second WWZ film. Mind you, the whole planet now belongs to the zombies, so short of blowing up the whole planet, there could never be a really clean parceled up ending, complete with a nice bow...

But this film has got so much in it anyway. Lots of action, lots of explosions, lots of scary bits, lot's of almost comical looking zombies (there were a few laughs in the near packed audience tonight). It's definitely a fun movie. I came out at the end feeling pretty good. Oh, and the music, by Marco Beltrami and Muse, is fantastic. One of the true highlights of the movie.

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