Sunday 30 June 2013

Movie: 3D Man Of Steel

This movie has generous lashings of the old ultra violence...

In fact, this movie is barely a Superman movie. There is so much action and violence in this movie that the character of Superman almost gets lost. It's quite a dark sci-fi type movie without much of the character development that you saw in the other Superman movies.

The cast do an ok job, if a little wooden, given that they have to compete with all manner of special effects wizardry. I would have liked to have seen them given the chance to do a little more acting.

I may be hung as a heretic, but I found Superman 3 a more enjoyable film to watch. Man of Steel is way over the top, and I'm surprised that nobody involved with the film tried to pull it back a little. The film is relentless. It hits you like a sledgehammer from the first minute and doesn't stop till the end. Your senses get a real pounding. You need a few quiet scenes in between the action scenes so your brain can digest what has just happened. Otherwise it all just rushes past you in a mad blur.

There sure is a lot of hand held camera work going on in this movie. Now that's fine when the actors are trying to act, but for a fast moving action scene, it gets a little hard to follow what's happening.

It would be true to say that watching this movie is like watching a really good player playing a Superman game on an XBox or a Playstation for two and a bit hours. This movie has gotten as close to a video game as any movie has, so that pretty much indicates the audience that the film makers are trying to attract.

Amy Adams is pretty good to watch... in anything....

...And the music is good. Always a plus in my book.

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