Sunday 1 December 2013

Movie: 3D Gravity

First of all, I wasn't ever planning to see this movie. Sandra Bullock and George Clooney floating around in space for an hour and a half? It didn't seem a very promising storyline to me. Anyway, Sunday afternoon, and I just wanted to get out for a while. I had a look at what movies are around, and of the ones I hadn't seen yet, nothing really grabbed my interest. So I had a look at IMDB, saw that Gravity has made about half a billion dollars already around the world, and decided to have a look anyway, just in case all those people were right, and I was wrong.

By the way, just before the movie, I saw an interesting trailer. Russell Crowe playing Noah. Just relax and try to picture that in your mind. It's nice to see Emma Watson back in the movies. I actually like her, and feel sorry for her because of the whole Harry Potter thing. How would you like that hanging around your neck for the rest of your career?....

So, back to Gravity.

This is a great movie. Not at all what I expected. Totally unbelievable of course, but that doesn't matter. The story was contrived as an excuse for great visuals. Hardly any character development. I still have no idea who George Clooney's character was. But this is Sandra Bullocks movie all the way. For most of it, she's the only one in it. I hope that's not giving too much away. And in some parts she's hardly wearing any clothes. I guess that was so they had something titillating for the marketing materials. The whole floating in space thing is done exceptionally well. I suspect that this time they had no need for the vomit comet like they did in Apollo 13, and everything was done with an old Apple Mac and a bit of blue cloth stuck on a wall.

The 3D was a little disappointing. It didn't stick out like it usually does on this type of movie. That may have been because of the smaller screen I watched it on. I wanted to feel like bits of space junk were going through my eyeballs at high speed.

So, there you have it. Sometimes a film will surprise you, and this one did. Not much substance, but great fun, exceptionally well crafted.

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