Tuesday 26 November 2013

Movie: 3D - The Day Of The Doctor

You may well ask yourself why I would bother going to see a movie that was already on TV a few days before. That's easy to answer: 3D and surround sound. That makes a big difference, at least to me. I am a huge fan of 3D, so I'll gladly go to see anything in 3D really. Anyway, I never actually saw the ending of the movie (or the very beginning for that matter) when it was shown on TV, so at least going to the cinema to see the whole thing was a new experience for me.

So, this particular movie is part of the 50th year anniversary celebrations of Doctor Who, which had the unfortunate distinction of first being shown around the same time that President John F. Kennedy was shot. Of course, nobody was paying a lot of attention. Through a bit of fortunate insight, the BBC repeated the first show a week later, thereby starting the global tsunami that is Doctor Who.

This movie brings together three doctors to save the world, yet again. There are plenty of references to past (and future) doctors, and as is the case with nearly all time travel based movies, it has a convoluted plot until all the bits start to assemble themselves near the end.

There are some mighty big scenes in this movie, which means they either had a lot of money to spend, or they found some clever high school kid to knock up a few bits on his Apple Mac for a bit of extra pocket money and a new iPhone. Either way, it looks spectacular. The 3D is pretty good: subtle, just the way I like it. The way the Dalek's eye stalks poke out of the screen at you was a nice touch.

We get a glimpse of the next Doctor after Matt Smith, although you only see his eyes. And there is one memorable cameo towards the end. This is a very worthy celebration of the current status of Doctor Who, as well as a great tribute to Doctors past.

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