Monday 22 September 2014

Movie: Into The Storm

Hey, it's no Twister, but once it gets moving, it's a real ride.

I have to admit that I am a huge fan of natural disaster movie: the afore-mentioned Twister, Volcano (yes, the one with Tommy Lee Jones), and Dante's Peak.

Like I said, this one isn't bad once it gets going. It doesn't have the humour of Twister, but the visuals, and especially the sound make up for that somewhat.

It doesn't really have an all star cast like Twister has, or even a good soundtrack (the Twister soundtrack is one of my favourites). There is only one actor whose name I recognised, and that is Richard Armitage. I didn't recognise him at first, because the last thing I saw him in was The Hobbit, where he played a four feet tall dwarf. In this film, he is his full height, which has got to be at least six feet.

Some of the dialogue was heavy handed at times, but most of that was at the start, and was passed by relatively quickly. The plot is fairly simple. This movie is about trying to recreate the experience of being inside a tornado, and it does that very well. The movie proves that special effects technology has come a long way since the tornadoes of Twister. If you've seen the trailer, then you have seen a pretty good sample of what the film contains.

One thing that I thought was odd is that this film was not shown in 3D. If there was ever a film that cries out for 3D, it's this one. I think a golden opportunity was missed there.

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