Sunday 14 December 2014

Movie: Exodus 3D

Spectacular visuals, but lots of dull bits as well.

I'm not religious at all, so I was hoping that, although this is a bible story and subject to debate, there was not going to be much in the way of the presence of god. Fortunately it was fine. God is mentioned, but fairly briefly. God makes an appearance as a small child, but it is left up to the viewer to determine if the child is literally god, or just a figment of Moses's imagination after being hit on the head by a large rock.

The ending was a bit anti-climactic. Moses drives into the village with the ten commandments in the back of his wagon. Fade to black, credits. Mind you, we were just subjected to a fantastic rendition of the parting of the Red sea. That sequence alone was worth watching the whole movie for. And you really need to see it on the big screen in 3D. It would be completely diminished on a TV, no matter how big it is.

Good to see a couple of Aussie boys in important roles. Joel Edgerton plays Rameses, and Ben Mendelsohn plays the weaselly viceroy.