Sunday 25 May 2014

Movie: 3D X Men: Days Of Future Past

Bryan Singer is back where he belongs: making great X Men movies. His last foray into the X Menu universe was 11 years ago. Has it really been that long? Seems like only yesterday....

The plot of the movie itself is nothing original. It's been done in lots of movies. Basically, the world has gone to hell. Mutants are being hunted down and killed by giant human engineered robots who can detect mutants and adapt to their powers. The robots were created back in 1973 by a scientist, who was subsequently killed by mutant Raven, who is also known as Mystique. Of course, this killing has spurred on the government to continue working on the giant robots, with the aid of the soon captured Raven's DNA, to make the robots adaptable. Wolverine is sent back to 1973, in a fashion, to prevent Raven/Mystique from killing the scientist, and thus preventing the mutant/human war. Just like Marty McFly going back to 1955 to prevent terrorists from killing Doc Brown.

The movie is in 3D, but it didn't seem all that noticeable (I see a lot of 3D movies so maybe I'm becoming immune to it's effects). I don't think it would have made much difference to have seen the movie in 2D. I think I'm quite lucky. I have no problem with watching 3D movies. The difference in the lighting level is barely noticeable to me, and I don't get headaches like I know some people do. Maybe it's because the cinema I go to has all their machinery set up correctly (I only ever go to one cinema).

All the usual cast are back from previous X Men movies. According to IMDB, Hugh Jackman still holds the record for the most times an actor has played the same character in films, seven. He's also the only person who has been in all the X-Men films, if you count the little cameos as well. One great addition to the cast is Peter Dinklage, who was in one of my favourite movies, The Station Agent.

Wait for the end of credits, there's a little bit extra. I have no idea what it means though. I'll guess I'll have to wait till 2016 and X Men Apocalypse.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Heard In The Supermarket On This Day: May 21, 2014

My local supermarket doesn't play the usual "muzak" when you are a walking around trying to find something to eat that hasn't been processed to within an inch of it's life. Sometimes they play some cool stuff. So I've decided to keep a record of the last song I hear as I leave the complex, mainly as a little exercise to amuse myself.

Today, we had "Never Tear Us Apart" by INXS, one of the great songs ever written, in my humble opinion.

Here it is on YouTube:  "Never Tear Us Apart" by INXS

By the way, as I was searching through YouTube, I also found this version from American Idol which I quite like as well:  "Never Tear Us Apart" from American Idol