Saturday 29 March 2014

Movie: Noah

Firstly I want to say that I am not religious. I don't believe any of the tales from the bible, although I do believe that the myth of the flood is based on a true event, just not on a world wide flood. I went so see this movie because I believe the basic story of Noah and the flood would provide plenty of opportunity to create a big cinematic epic, with lots of good looking visuals and thunderous, wall shaking sound effects.

This movie is just plain crazy.

Think the Bible meets Lord of the Rings, with Noah as a kick-ass ninja superhero beating up on the bad guys (all that's missing is a big ass cigar dangling from his lips with which he can light his dynamite..). I can understand why the religious people hate this movie, but I think their cause would be better served with ignoring this movie completely and not drawing any unwarranted attention to it. I suspect it will disappear off the big screen quite quickly.

The most ridiculous things are the ugly rock monsters, who start off as man's helpers (as angels I think), then enemies (when God punishes them by changing them into ugly rock monsters), and then help Noah build the ark!... Now, I'm no bible scholar, but I don't remember hearing anything about ugly rock monsters in the bible.

There was no specific mention of "God" in this movie. Everything was being done in the name of the "Creator".

Not much more I want to say about this movie. Even the music wasn't very good. I did like Emma Watson though, and Ray Winstone always makes for a good bad guy. Oh, and the guy who is Percy Jackson was ok as well.

I see this movie is in 3D as well. I didn't get that option, so, being a big 3D fan, my opinion of this move may have been different had I seen it in 3D.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Springsteen: You Never Can Tell

Absolute proof that the E Street Band are the greatest band in the world right now:

If you are not a Bruce fan, watch this and then try to resist becoming one...